Thursday, May 24, 2012

When did it all begin? (Block A)

It's obvious that the downfall of Macbeth is clearly his own fault and that because he made a series of really dumb choices he ended up where he did (dead). However, there is a question that has been much debated over the course of time and since Shakespeare is no longer with us we will probably never get a definitive answer. That doesn't stop us from talking about it though! This weeks question is:

When do you think the idea of killing Duncan and the desire to become King popped into his head?

It has been said that Macbeth may have always had a desire to become King even before the witches met him.

What do you guys think? Remember to back up your ideas with proof from life and the book!!!

***Since this post was a day late (my fault) the close date will be Sunday February 24th 2010.

When did it all begin? (Block F)

It's obvious that the downfall of Macbeth is clearly his own fault and that because he made a series of really dumb choices he ended up where he did (dead). However, there is a question that has been much debated over the course of time and since Shakespeare is no longer with us we will probably never get a definitive answer. That doesn't stop us from talking about it though! This weeks question is:

When do you think the idea of killing Duncan and the desire to become King popped into his head?

It has been said that Macbeth may have always had a desire to become King even before the witches met him.

What do you guys think? Remember to back up your ideas with proof from life and the book!!!

***Since this post was a day late (my fault) the close date will be Sunday February 24th 2010.

When did it all begin? (Block B)

It's obvious that the downfall of Macbeth is clearly his own fault and that because he made a series of really dumb choices he ended up where he did (dead). However, there is a question that has been much debated over the course of time and since Shakespeare is no longer with us we will probably never get a definitive answer. That doesn't stop us from talking about it though! This weeks question is:

When do you think the idea of killing Duncan and the desire to become King popped into his head?

It has been said that Macbeth may have always had a desire to become King even before the witches met him.

What do you guys think? Remember to back up your ideas with proof from life and the book!!!

***Since this post was a day late (my fault) the close date will be Sunday February 24th 2010.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lady Macbeth's Role in the Play (Block F)

We have discussed in class the role that Lady Macbeth holds within the play Macbeth. We've also spoken about how the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth was not typical of the time period. Using references to their partnership or feelings for each other, comment on their marriage. Overall, do they seem to have a good marriage? Do they seem to hold genuine affection for each other? Are they well matched? To what extent is Lady Macbeth responsible for the murder of Duncan?

***"To what extent means: Not necessarily yes or no but is it more of a yes or more of a no?

Remember to support your ideas with references from life and the text!

Lady Macbeth's Role in the Play (Block B)

We have discussed in class the role that Lady Macbeth holds within the play Macbeth. We've also spoken about how the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth was not typical of the time period. Using references to their partnership or feelings for each other, comment on their marriage. Overall, do they seem to have a good marriage? Do they seem to hold genuine affection for each other? Are they well matched? To what extent is Lady Macbeth responsible for the murder of Duncan?

***"To what extent means: Not necessarily yes or no but is it more of a yes or more of a no?

Remember to support your ideas with references from life and the text!

Lady Macbeth's Role in the Play (Block A)

We have discussed in class the role that Lady Macbeth holds within the play Macbeth. We've also spoken about how the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth was not typical of the time period. Using references to their partnership or feelings for each other, comment on their marriage. Overall, do they seem to have a good marriage? Do they seem to hold genuine affection for each other? Are they well matched? To what extent is Lady Macbeth responsible for the murder of Duncan?

***"To what extent means: Not necessarily yes or no but is it more of a yes or more of a no?

Remember to support your ideas with references from life and the text!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ambition: Good or Bad? (Block A)

Ambition is a human trait that pushes us to achieve a goal. So the question remains is the trait of ambition a good trait or bad trait when looked at through the eyes of human society? Pick one side and defend your reasoning as to why ambition is either good or bad. Make sure to cite examples that are found in our society and the play of Macbeth to support your answer.

If you have a last name that goes from A-L you will argue that ambition is a good trait.
If you have a last name that goes from M-z you will argue that ambition is a bad trait.

Remember ladies and gentlemen, I am looking for a discussion!

Have fun!

Ambition: Good or Bad? (Block F)

Ambition is a human trait that pushes us to achieve a goal. So the question remains is the trait of ambition a good trait or bad trait when looked at through the eyes of human society? Pick one side and defend your reasoning as to why ambition is either good or bad. Make sure to cite examples that are found in our society and the play of Macbeth to support your answer.

If you have a last name that goes from A-L you will argue that ambition is a good trait.
If you have a last name that goes from M-z you will argue that ambition is a bad trait.

Remember ladies and gentlemen, I am looking for a discussion!

Have fun!

Ambition: Good or Bad? (Block B)

Ambition is a human trait that pushes us to achieve a goal. So the question remains is the trait of ambition a good trait or bad trait when looked at through the eyes of human society? Pick one side and defend your reasoning as to why ambition is either good or bad. Make sure to cite examples that are found in our society and the play of Macbeth to support your answer.

If you have a last name that goes from A-L you will argue that ambition is a good trait.
If you have a last name that goes from M-z you will argue that ambition is a bad trait.

Remember ladies and gentlemen, I am looking for a discussion!

Have fun!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Question #2: Gender: Forward or Backward? (Block F)

The idea of Gender and its stereotypical roles are a big part of the theme of the play. What do you believe Shakespeare's message is about gender? How do the characters reflect or not reflect your theme?  Is Shakespeare an advocate for gender equality or is he continuing the stereotype? Use multiple examples (both male and female) to support you idea.

Question #2: Gender: Forward or Backward? (Block B)

The idea of Gender and its stereotypical roles are a big part of the theme of the play. What do you believe Shakespeare's message is about gender? How do the characters reflect or not reflect your theme?  Is Shakespeare an advocate for gender equality or is he continuing the stereotype? Use multiple examples (both male and female) to support you idea.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Theme: "Fair is foul and foul is fair..." (Block F)

We are introduced to the theme of the play very early on. The theme of "fair is foul and foul is fair" implies a definite reversal of what is supposed to be the natural order of how things are supposed to work in the world. For you first discussion, you are to talk about how this theme shows itself in our society and whether or not there is any chance of it changing. Be sure to use actual examples and state your reasons for your opinions.

The Theme: "Fair is foul and foul is fair..." (Block B)

We are introduced to the theme of the play very early on. The theme of "fair is foul and foul is fair" implies a definite reversal of what is supposed to be the natural order of how things are supposed to work in the world. For you first discussion, you are to talk about how this theme shows itself in our society and whether or not there is any chance of it changing. Be sure to use actual examples and state your reasons for your opinions.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Theme: "Fair is foul and foul is fair..." (Block A)

We are introduced to the theme of the play very early on. The theme of "fair is foul and foul is fair" implies a definite reversal of what is supposed to be the natural order of how things are supposed to work in the world. For you first discussion, you are to talk about how this theme shows itself in our society and whether or not there is any chance of it changing. Be sure to use actual examples and state your reasons for your opinions.